Twinsane’s Weblog

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Posts Tagged ‘Injury’

Tabby is injured

Posted by --- on Monday 14 August, 2023

FB 14 August 2023 23:50

Towards lunchtime today, Logan, came downstairs and asked why the cat had a hole in her leg. We had no idea what he meant but discovered she had round hole which appeared to be down to the bone on her hock. We were baffled as she has seemed fine, she’s been walking fine, we’ve seen no blood, she hasn’t limped or shown any sign of injury, she’s been eating and drinking and has acted totally normal. She has been around the house, on the kids beds and as she seemed no different at all, and the wound is on the joint with the fur covering it, none of us had noticed it!

I rang the vet and got an appointment for this afternoon at 17:30. Izzy and I took her took and the Vet said that it wasn’t down to the bone but you could see the tendons – I don’t know how that works – and said the wound seemed to be old. She then explained that she thought it was about three days old and the wound edges are completely healed so unless surgery was done it would never heal. She said the edges of the wound would need cutting again and stitched to pull the edges of the wound together so it could knit. She explained that the cost of this should be £770 but she’d managed to get a reduction to £536. The breakdown is strange because the first item on the list says: repair of small wound, including pre-anaesthetic exam, sedation, general anaesthesia, hospital, and patient monitoring is £385, but then adds charges for six hours of monitoring, sedation medications, suture materials, and pain relief. To me, if it says included, it means included not extras?

Anyway she’s booked in for tomorrow morning at 9:10 and I need to collect her again at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon, the vet also suggested that ideally she should have blood work and fluids though stated several times that this was optional but it would be an additional £385.

She started antibiotics tonight, which we gave her by mashing the small tablet and then mashing a sardine on the top and mixing it. She loved it and followed Izzy around asking for more.

We’ve had to buy a litter tray and cat litter too because she hasn’t used one of those in about five years. Tonight we’ve shut her in the bathroom with the cat carrier lined with Isabelle’s blanket (which she loves), the litter tray, and a dish of water. Izzy is getting up early tomorrow to give her a morning antibiotic at 8 o’clock. Tabby can’t eat after 9 o’clock tonight and no water after 8 tomorrow.

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